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Halloween Clown
Jack the Reaper
You Dont Scare Jack

You Dont Scare Jack
Coming Soon

chad savage

I was never afraid of the dark as a child. I was, however, often terrified of what might have been hiding in it. In my mind's eye I pictured strange and fantastic creatures, sometimes beautiful, often grotesque. At a very early age I began to try to capture the images in my mind on paper, and I've never stopped.

There is a place in this world for the bizarre. There is a time for the twisted. Anyone who doubts this needs only look at the success of such visionaries as H.R. Giger, Clive Barker, Michael Parkes or even Stephen King. It's no secret that the most conservative person, given the opportunity, will thrill to tales of the dark or the sight of blood.

To my thinking, things grotesque and sinister are not without their own unconventional beauty; the most hideous spider may spin the loveliest web. My work is an argument that 'dark' is not synonymous with 'evil'; that there is nothing to fear in the night if you make it your own. After all, there is no light without the dark to define it.

This is what I'm about.

This is what my art is about.

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